
Word Finder

Hit the bowling pins by uncovering the scrambled words one letter at a time. Instructions >>>

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Gameplay - The objective of the game is to score as many points as possible while reaching the target on each level by uncovering the scrambled words. Bowling pins with letters on them will come across the bottom of the screen. Watch closely before the bowling pins rotate and hide the letters. A word will be shown above the bowling pins. Click on the bowling pins one at a time to reveal the hidden letters in the correct order.

Levels - There are three levels and each level has 10 words. The words on each level will be one letter longer than the previous level. Each level has a target number of words to get correct. On the first level you must get 6 out of 10 words to make it to level two, on the second level you must get 8 out of 10 words to make it to level three and on the third level you must get 10 out of 10 words to beat the game.

Scoring - Your score for each level is determined by the amount of words that you get correct and the amount of time taken to complete the level. You will score 100 points for each correct word and the quicker that you complete the level, the more extra points you will receive.

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